Child & Senior
The project area related to the support to childhood and elderly is one of the most rewarding and where CONCEPSYS’ experience stands out.
Between 2007 and 2009 CONCEPSYS provided technical support to the Social Security Institute in Lisbon, performing the analysis and assessment of more than 700 projects submitted for licensing.
During two years, CONCEPSYS assessed projects, was present in inspections to active establishments and held meetings to assist the public, having acquired a deep experience and taste in contact with this area.
Realizing how it can make a difference, CONCEPSYS currently develops quality projects in the most diverse valences:
CONCEPSYS supports the clients in different aspects and stages of their investment projects, creating differentiating spaces, adequate and comfortable for the users, in accordance with the diverse and strict applicable legislation.
CONCEPSYS provides its services in a perspective of profitability and maximization of investments through solutions of greater value, efficiency, profitability and sustainability, without ever losing sight of the importance of the quality of the to be provided services and the most comfort of the users.
Some of the most frequent services:
Lisbon CC|L|N
Carcavelos - Cascais OC|R|A: 57
Ponta Delgada - Azores L|R|A: 53
Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho - Lisbon EP|RA|A: 1500
Aveiro OC|R|A: 91
Alverca - Vila Franca de Xira OC|N|A: 3018 co: Arq. Luis Carvalho
Amoreiras - Lisbon PE|R|A: 920
C Consultation EP Preliminary Study L Licensing PE Project Execution O Work OC Completed Work N New Construction R Remodeling A Extension I Interior Design A :Area(m2) co-authorship
Frequently Asked Questions
The social responses that we develop most frequently are:
Residential homes for the elderly (ERPI)
They are intended to house people over 65 years old. Legally, its capacity can vary between 4 and 120 users.
Home Support Services
They provide care and services to people in their own homes.
Usually, they operate in areas licensed for tertiary use (commerce and services), or integrated in another area.
Day care centers
They function as socio-educational equipment, designed to receive children up to the age of 3.
Free Time Activity Centres (CATL)
These are establishments that provide conditions for the development of activities outside the school environment. They take in five or more children at the same time.
Activity and Training Centres for Inclusion (CACI)
Previously called Occupational Activity Centre (CAO), these are facilities aimed at developing occupational activities for people with disabilities, aged 18 or over, who are not able to continue their training or engage in a professional activity on their own.
Day Care Centres
Equipment that provides a set of support services to the elderly, contributing to their maintenance in their social and family environment.
The opening of a Residential Structure for the Elderly (ERPI), requires a space with adequate characteristics and with a licence to use it compatible with its function, issued by the Municipal Council.
An architectural project will serve as the basis for the licensing application to the Social Security Institute (ISS), the entity responsible for licensing the activity.
You can consult here the list of necessary documents to deliver to the ISS.
If it is an IPSS, the local social action council of the area should be consulted about the need for ERPI equipment.
The approval of a social response project, subject to licensing by the municipal council, always requires the favourable opinions of the competent entities, namely the Social Security Institute (ISS) and the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), when applicable.
CONCEPSYS works with multidisciplinary teams and can provide the necessary projects for the licensing of the space.
It is common that a Residential Home for Older Persons (ERPI) can include a Home Support Service (SAD), or that a Day Centre and a SAD share the same space. In these cases, both services should be licensed and although there may be shared spaces, they should be appropriate to both social services.
CONCEPSYS provides support in assessing the potential of a building for the installation of existing social responses.
We develop studies that allow us to establish the maximum capacity of the space, allowing us to develop a business plan.
Our previous visit to a space before contracting a lease or acquisition may be decisive in detecting possible incompatibilities, considering the requirements of the legislation in force and thus avoiding later problems or even the impossibility of installing the service.
In accordance with Article 37 of Decree-Law 64/2007, the private social solidarity institutions or equivalent must request a prior opinion from the competent social security services on the social need for the equipment, attaching for the purpose the opinion of the local social action council, whose justification must be based on planning instruments of the social equipment network.
Only after this query, should they proceed to the development of an architectural project, ensuring that the conditions of installation of the equipment comply with the legislation in force, with a view to licensing the space with the City Council in their area, to obtain the license for use.
In parallel and with the architectural project developed, a Technical Opinion should be requested from the Social Security Institute (ISS), the entity responsible for licensing the activity.
Please contact us.
According to the offer you intend to make available, CONCEPSYS may develop a previous study to characterise it:
Before moving forward to rent or purchase a space, we always advise you to develop that initial study to ensure its suitability. This way, you will move forward with greater security for your business.
CONCEPSYS can help you with the legalisation process of your activity, namely:
- Identifying the standards and legislation applicable and in force, according to the valence;
- Verifying the concrete conditions for setting up the activity;
- Identifying situations of possible non-compliance;
- Developing the necessary projects for the licensing of the activity.
The legalisation of a facility may imply the carrying out of works and the reduction of the current or intended capacity, which does not always suit the client’s wishes.
In these cases and before advancing to a project of adaptation of the spaces, CONCEPSYS carries out a previous report where it indicates the maximum estimated capacity for the establishment, taking into account the fulfilment of the legislation in force.
Based on this information the client will have an idea of the extent of the intervention needed or even if it would be preferable to find a more suitable space to develop their activity.