Gaeiras – Óbidos
The contest launched by Obitec aimed at the conception of the two central buildings of the Technological Park of Óbidos, to be implanted in a central area with approximately 19,100 m2. In addition to the architectural project, the competition also included the landscape architecture project. Altogether, the two buildings, which house commercial and catering areas, offices, an auditorium, laboratories, management and administration areas, among others, correspond to about 4066 m2 of gross construction area and 2048 m2 of parking areas.
Several strong constraints were established from the start: strict compliance with the pre-defined areas for each space; very strict volumetric rules, contained in the subdivision regulation; a very complex program integrating very varied functions and strong impositions in terms of the building’s sustainability.
The proposed solution rests on three essential points:
- Implantation of the two buildings according to an internal mesh (circular) distinct from that which generates the geometries of the subdivision, although in continuity with it.
- Election of the intersection point of the lot access axes as the central point of the intervention area equidistant from the immediate surroundings and symbolically generating this new geometric system.
- Implantation of exceptional buildings in their context, developed using an autonomous and self-sufficient formal language that refers them to a symbolic and relational dimension only on the scale of the park itself and its wider surroundings.
“The solution is very explicit about making the buildings and outdoor spaces compatible with the topography of the land.
The proposal presents concrete, innovative, and integrated solutions that allow the defined sustainability goals to be met.
The assumptions denote a concern for sustainability of materials and efficiency in the use of natural resources.”
(report from the competition jury)
Technical Data Sheet
Architecture: Concepsys
Arch. Landscape Designer: João Ceregeiro
Specialties: 2H + EPO